Pertinakss (193.g.)
Pūblijs Helvijs Pertinakss.
Biogrāfija. Viņš valdīja tikai 86 dienas 193.gadā no janvāra līdz martam.
Dzimis 126.gadā.
Senators, cēlies no neaugstdzimušas dzimtas. Iepriekš bija gramatikas pasniedzējs.
Pasludināja par augustu un cēla tronī pretoriāņi 193.gada janvārī, kad tie paši bija nogalinājuši imperatoru Komōdu.
Kļuvis par imperatoru Pertinakss, balstīdamies uz senāta, mēģināja atjaunot disciplīnu pretoriāņu vidū, un nostiprināt finanses. Tas sastapa pašu pretoriāņu pretestību, un tie Pertinaksu nogalināja.
Pertinax dabbled in the army where he found great success and climbed the ranks eventually landing several high ranking army and civil posts. a Senate only too willing to put the Commodus legacy behind them.
With prompt resolve, he immediately began deconstructing the corrupt machinery that had been operating under the former administration and restoring civil liberties, a liberalized economy and the dignity of the Senate. Loved then by both the public and the Senate, his key misfortune was securing the favor of the army entrusted to protect him. Financially incapable of providing a large donative as was by now customary upon the accession of a new emperor (Commodus had drained the imperial treasury to just a few hundred thousand Denarii) as well as the promise of restoring the traditionally strict discipline of the army (again, under Commodus the army, too, had become corrupted with all sorts of bribes and other ill-gotten wealth) all amounted to a deep dissatisfaction within the army. The hushed complaints broke out into an impromptu mob that then advanced towards the palace. Naive but ever the patriot Pertinax personally met the discontented to attempt to reason with them and instead wound up skewered before help could arrive. No sooner had his blood been spilled than the whole empire wept for the insensible loss of so bright a leader.
Līdz ar viņa nāvi 193.gadā impērijā izcēlās pilsoņu karš ar mērķi sagrābt varu.
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