Kariongas alas hieroglifi
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Kariong Hieroglyphs, saukti arī Gosford glyphs.
Senēģiptiešu hieroglifiem līdzīgas zīmes, kas uzietas Kariongas alā Austrālijā.
Atrašanās vieta. Austrālija, Jaundienvidvelsas province, Brisbanes ūdens dabas parka (Brisbane Water National Park) teritorija. 30 minūšu gājiens no tuvākās apdzīvotās vietas. Nav tiešas takas, pusi (apm. 500 m) ceļa jāveic prom no takas cauri krūmājam.
Apraksts. Būve sastāv no divām vertikālām sienām, kas augšā kādreiz bijušas nosegtas ar lieliem akmeņiem. Iespējams, tā bijusi domāta kā kapene. Iekļūt kapenē tagad var no augšas (vairs nav visas pārsedzes un pa sāniem caur ejām.
Rakstu zīmes iegravētas rūpīgi, darbs veikts liels uz divām ap 40 kvm lielām sienām. Tajos attēloti vairāku faraonu kartuši: Hufu (3 reizes), Snefera un kāda nezināma faraona. Šeit kartuša rāmītim ir taisni stūri, lai gan parasti tos veido noapaļotus.
Atklāšana un izpēte. Tie tikuši vairākkārt dažādos laikos atklāti un tad atkal piemirsti.
1967.gadā šai vietā dibināja dabas parku, bet līdz tam zeme bija privātīpašumā kādam fermerim.
Uzrakstus atklāja 1975.gadā.
Diemžēl apmeklētāji šur tur ko ir klāt piezīmējuši.
Kritika. Viltojums! Tur, kur rakstu zīmes atrodas zem pārkarēm, tās ir skaidras, bet, kur pakļautas saules un vēja iedarbībai - erodētas. Tas varētu liecināt par to seno izcelsmi.
Thus speaks his Highness the Prince from this wretched place within this land, transported there by ship. Doing this writing for the Crown of Lower Egypt, according to God’s Words. The fellaheen call out from this place in this strange land, for Suti. I, Nefer-Djeseb, Son of the King Khufu, The King of Upper and Lower Egypt, beloved of “Ptah” have transported “Suti.” “He (Nefer-Ti-Ru) is kind (and) benevolent, (a) follower (of the) golden-haired God, “Ra-Heru.” “Two years* that I (He?) make way westwards, I (He, Nefer Ti-Ru) (put) up strong front, praying, joyful, smiting Insects. His Highness, a Servant of God, He (say’s) God brings the Insects, thus thine own Fellaheen protect.” The snake bit twice, all those behind the divine Lord of Khufu, the Lord of the two Adzes , mighty one of LOWER EGYPT. Not all go back. (we are) marching forward, (we) do not look back. (We) all damaged the Boat at low tide. Our boat is tied up. The snake caused the death. (We) gave half an egg (from Medicine) Box (or Chest), (and) prayed to the Hidden One, for he was struck twice.” A hard road, we all wept over the body, keeping to that, which is allowed. “Seated (by) the Side way.” “With concern and deep love, (the) Fellaheen. Plants wilting, Land dying, is this my lot from the most high God, of the sacred Mer. The Sun pours down upon (my back), O! Khepera, most High, this is not as the Oracle said. My Obelisk is overturned, but not broken. The bandaged one is confined, Hear, The Red Earth Region.” Then of Time to grow, (i.e. Spring), We walled in with local Stones the entrance to the side chamber. I counted and impounded the daggers (of the) Fellaheen. The three doors to Eternity are connected to the rear end behind the bulwark (of the Grave). A Necklace placed by his side. A Royal Token, signifying Heavens Gift, as from thou:! O Holy Shining Ones. Taken across (to) private sanctuary (of this) Tomb. (Along with) the Silver Dagger, a Royal Token (of the) Great Maker. Separated from (the city of) ” PENU” (is) the Royal Body (and from) all others. That Regal Person that came from the House of God, Nefer-ti-ru, the Son of Khufu, King of Upper and Lower Egypt , who died before, is laid to rest. He is not of this place. His home is Penu. Return him to his town . One third of (the) fruits, I myself divided for the burial service. Hold his Spirit with love, O most High. Worms in the basket of fruit, going into (him), shall not be. May he have Life, everlasting. Am I not to go back besides the Waters of the Sacred Mer, Then clasp him, my Brother’s Spirit
Senēģiptieši Austrālijā.
Jaundienvidvelsas pavalsts.