Forestālas parka pundurītis
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Anomāls pundurītis, kas iekļuvis fotouzņēmumā kādā no Čīles galvaspilsētas Santjāgas parkiem. 2004.gadā pasaules sabiedrību satrauca jauns Atnācēja uzņēmums, šoreiz no Forestālas parka Čīles galvaspilsētā Santjāgā.
Fotouzņēmuma autors ir inženieris Hermanis Pereira (German Pereira), kurš 2004.gada 10.maijā ap 17:40 fotografējis jātnieku policistu parkā. Nākamajā dienā ielādējis fotogrāfijas savā datorā un konstatējis kādu dīvainību – fotogrāfijā bija redzams, ka aiz policista zirga aleju šķērso mazs pundurītis. Diemžēl fotogrāfija ir visai neskaidra un pundurīša stāvs miglains.
"Es dzīvoju Konsepsjonā un strādāju Santjāgā (Čīle) mazliet ilgāk kā gadu. 2004.gada 10.maijā draugs man iedeva 10 kadrus no Forestālas parka, kurus viņš uzņēmis ar digitālo fotoaparātu, lai es to ielādētu savā datorā un atdotu viņam nākošajā dienā. Mani ieinteresēja karabinieru grupa vienā no foto, kuru bija uzņēmis mans draugs. Fotogrāfija bija uzņemta 17:40 pie De la Barras ielas un Kardināla Hosē Marijas Karo krustojuma Santjāgā. Bija auksta diena, saules neredzēja, foto tika uzņemts ar kameru Kodak DX6490, ar zemu ātrumu (1/10 sek.). Fotogrāfijā skaidri redzams pundurītis, kas šķērso ielu, fotografēšanas laikā viņš nebija redzams."
Līdzīgs radījums ir ticis nofotografēts 1977.gadā Duvrā (ASV, Masačūsetsas pavalsts), un guvis iesauku "Duvras dēmons."
Forestālas parka pundurītis. 2004.gadā pasaules sabiedrību satrauca jauns citplanētieša uzņēmums, šoreiz no Forestālas parka Čīles galvaspilsētā Santjāgā.
Fotouzņēmuma autors ir inženieris Hermanis Pereira (German Pereira), kurš 2004.gada 10.maijā ap 17:40 fotografējis jātnieku policistu parkā. Nākamajā dienā ielādējis fotogrāfijas savā datorā un konstatējis kādu dīvainību – fotogrāfijā bija redzams, ka aiz policista zirga aleju šķērso mazs pundurītis.
Fotogrāfija. Diemžēl fotogrāfija ir visai neskaidra un pundurīša stāvs miglains. Lieta tā, ka todien laiks bijis visai apmācies, tādēļ uz ciparu fotoaparāta Canon bija iestatīts visai ilgs ekspozīcijas laiks (0,1 s). Savu lomu spēlēja tas, ka fotografējot nebija ticis ievērots nekustīgums. Arī tas, ka fotografējot bija ticis izmantots 10-kārtīgais optiskais pievilcējs (zoom), padarīja lietu vēl sliktāku.
Fotogrāfijas izpēte. Acīmredzot iesākumā fotogrāfija tika nodota „Eksobioloģiskās izpētes institūtam” (Institute for Exobiological Investigation and Study jeb IIEE). Vēlāk tā tika nodota „Gaisa parādību izpētes korporācija” (Aerial Phenomena Investigation Corporation jeb CIFAE), no kuras tā nokļuva presē. Tam sekoja dažnedāžādas analīzes un secinājumi.
Hipotēzes. Tādas tika izvirzītas veselas 9, kuras apkopojis kāds Kamils Valdivjess (Camilo Valdivieso):
1. Atnācējs – par to liecina tā lielā galva un pagarinātās rokas.
2. Rūķis – publiski visatzītākā teorija.
3. Spoks.
4. Koka zars.
5. Bērns. Lai gan jocīgi, tomēr pilnīgi tādu iespēju izslēgt nevar. Tomēr tad bērnam būtu jābūt vismaz pusotru gadu vecam.
6. Pērtiķis.
7. Gaismēnu spēle.
8. Izjokošana.
9. Izpušķojums, nerātnība (?).
Salīdzinājums ar citiem līdzīgiem gadījumiem. Fotogrāfija kā sensācija caur masu medijiem aizgāja pasaulē un daudzu valstu neparasto parādību pētnieki vai vienkārši interesenti izskatīja visdažādākās versijas.
Pārsvarā tika uzsvērta līdzība ar tā saucamajiem Pelēčiem, cilvēku Nolaupīšanu galvenajiem „vaininiekiem.” Līdzību ar tiem uzsver nesamērīgi lielā galva un pagarinātās rokas.
Japāņi to salīdzināja ar savu ūdens velnēnu Kapu (Kappa).
There was already talk about another photo showing the spaceship from which the creature came, and then “skeptical” analysis by rival local UFO groups claiming the photo was manipulated (of which there’s actually no evidence), and/or that the creature was simply pareidolia (possible, but not probable).
A reasonable suggestion finally came to public light when IIEE, which as you will remember, is the other local UFO group with a curious acronym, suggested not only that it was a dog, but showed filtered images of it:
Soon CIFAE came to defend their case. In “Restoration of the Parque Forestal Image” (scroll down), they actually replied quite reasonably that the image processing done by IIEE was somewhat arbitrary, and that a correct attempt at restoring the image for its several artifacts, mainly the motion blur, would result not in a clearer but in a lot more bizarre dog.
The deconvoluted image by CIFAE at right:
So, the creature wasn’t a dog?
Well, it most probably was. In the end, or actually, from the beginning, not only IIEE, but local skeptic Diego Zúñiga suggested it.
CIFAE did manage to restore clarity to most of the image, which was motion blurred by the camera’s movement. What the restoration didn’t correct was any additional motion blur caused by the creature itself.
That is, besides the camera shaking, if the creature was also moving at a different, and significant direction and speed, then its motion blurring would be much more complex and the deconvolution applied to the whole image would not restore with much clarity the “unblurred” image of the creature. The fact it doesn’t look exactly like a dog is therefore not a refutation of the idea.
Weighing the evidence, the height of the creature is that of a common dog. It does seem to have legs. It didn’t startle the policemen, nor the photographer. Though analysis of the image doesn’t allow us to extract the exact image of a dog, pending further evidence this is not a mystery at all.
And the funniest thing is, of all the wild theories listed, a dog was not included among them.
The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
June 11, 2004
DATE: June 8, 2004
Chile: 9 Possible Explanations For Parque Forestal "Alien"
by Camilo Valdivieso, Terra Networks
SANTIAGO. June 8, 2004 - The photo taken by German Pereira, showing a strange "character" walking across Parque Forestal, has gone all around the world, appearing in a variety of internet sites as well as news dailies and television. Despite the fact that the digital image has been studied in detail, no one knows what the curious phenomenon might be. However, the following theories have been put forth:
One of the better-known stories is the presence of an alien in the photo taken at Parque Forestal. The strange character that appears near the mounted policemen's horses is very similar to the "Greys", whether on account of its macrocephaly or its elongated arms. What is odd is the creature's size, since tests to the digital image show that its height would not exceed 80 centimeters. Some ufologists state that there is no precedent for such small extraterrestrials, therefore this possibility has been discarded. However, UFO research has always been based on eyewitness testimony and photo evidence, therefore a new concept of space beings, smaller in size than those hitherto known, would be a new line of research.
Without a doubt one of the most accepted theories by the public regarding the strange creature. Certainly the characteristics that can be made out on this entity are similar to the ones described by those who have seen imps, whether on acount of its size or its greenish hue. Furthermore, these mythical creatures are believed to inhabit places filled with trees and flowers, making it not at all strange that Parque Forestal should form part of their habitat. Experts in manifestations by these entities reinforce the theory that imps can only be seen by certain people, since they belong to another dimension, and that a digital photograph could be a good option for seeing them.
Cyberspace is filled with countless photos showing specters or ghosts in poses similar to that of the Parque Forestal creature. Among thousands of photos, a good number of them are fakes, but an equally significant amount has not been dismissed as hoaxes. Therefore, within the possibilities of this image, the possibility of a ghost could easily coincide with many others of its type.
The trails of Parque Forestal are covered with many leaves and branches that constantly fall from the trees, especially during the fall. For this reason, one of the theories put forth explains that one such branch could have created the capricious image of a walking alien. The blurriness of the image could lend credibility to this explanation.
Another theory posited states that a small child was walking between the two Carabineros horsemen. This is not unlikely, since such things happen constantly in that area of the park. But upon studying the image and being's size, the child could not have been more than a year and half old. As the image shows, the creature walks erect and its body does not present the characteristics of a child of that age. Furthermore, there are no signs of clothing covering the body of the alleged child, and the neck is absent from beings quasi-deformed head. However, the sweep of the image deforms the possibility of evaluating details such as clothing or other traits that could make this the solution.
What would an ape be doing in the middle of Parque Central? Well, its one of many interpretations of this image. The characteristics of the "creature" could be projected on a small ape who had escaped at that time from the zoo or from a private home. What is odd is the color of the alleged ape, aside from the calm way it crosses between two animals of far larger size than its own.
For those knowledgeable in the subject, it is easy to capture a significant light and shadow play which can mislead us easily. Upon observing this photo, we can see that there are several patches of light between the leaves. These give the sensation of possessing a color that is similar to that of the strange being. We also see another light spot over the entity's body, suggesting an object on its back, which could be interpreted as a rucksack, but is only light play after initial analysis. Under this premise, we cannot dismiss the possibility that the phenomenon photographed by German Pereira is only the product of light and shadow play.
Under the magnifying glasses of several experts, the image from Forestal is no more than an absurd hoax to promote the subject of UFOs and aliens. However, we lack any proof that completely rejects the veracity of the alleged alien photo. The following are some possible means of hoaxing the image
Superimposed Images
One of the most common tricks when creating photos of this sort is the superimposition of images, whether through a computer or employing sophisticated design programs, which aid us in constructing photos with external elements. This can be done by taking a photo obtained by a conventional original (a traditional photo with a chemically-processed negative) which has been scanned and then digitized. Then, an external element is attached (as strange figure or other object. After printing it on a laser printer on high-quality paper, it can be photographed using a digital camera, obtaining the result we have come to know.
El Barrido
One of the photos limitations is the sweep generated by the digital camera, which blurs the image, making it impossible to make a firm conclusion. But the most curious detail is that these "sweeps" are hard to do with a digital camera. Digital cameras generally operate as sensitivities of 100, 200 and 400 ISO (standardized sensitivity units between ASA and DIN, which are the U.S. and German units, respectively). This means that the exposure speeds for an outdoor shot on a clear day (such as in this photo) would never be lower than 1/100th of a second. A sweep of such a magnitude could never be obtained at such a speed. The photo would be underexposed (in its original) for which reason the contrast (luminance) or colors (chrominance) cannot be fully seen, which are needed to distinguish capacity and depth in each cell.
Another possibility is that it was all concocted at the site of the events, creating the impression of a being calmly walking among two mounted horses. When looking closely at the image, we can see that the at the second post to the left of the photo, there is a diagonal element supported toward the ground. This could be a stick, but its thickness could readily represent one of the legs of a tripod supporting the strange character.
[UFOINFO Note: There also seems to be a person sitting down. This is clearer when looking at the close up image just below the main photo. Is the person holding something or is it just another trick of the light?]
Translation (c) 2004 Scott Corrales
Institute of Hispanic Ufology (IHU)
Special thanks to Camilo Valdivieso, Terra Networks
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